Two “C” papers, a late night math tutorial with a math midterm ensuing, and no dinner… and I am here… now. That was today – and the math midterm is tomorrow. I could go on, but I’d like to complain about these for a while. Well, actually, it may not be “complaining”…

The two “C” papers – actually one was a C+ – are lingering from last week; that’s when I received the first C(+). Today I received the slightly more painful C. At any rate, both grades equally embarrassing, I am not so chipper. It wasn’t my spelling that swallowed the points; it wasn’t really any aspect of the prose itself in either case. I am apparently a little behind when it comes to developing a good argument. Theses included (and I thought I was good at writing those!) What this mean, other than a wounded GPA from the very start, is that I have a lot of catching up to do.

I can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but deep down in side I might be glad for the prospect of the end result. I love writing – I don’t suppose learning to write solid arguments and elegant theses will change that. I just wish I’d have acquired the skill earlier. Enough of this… it’s leading me to despair… to wrap this thought up – I am on my (painful) way to becoming a better writer.

The math midterm tomorrow actually doesn’t seem too daunting. ε δ proofs and induction proofs were clarified in tonights tutorial. Basic limits and infinite limits are a cinch – I don’t imagine too much else will be on this four-question midterm… so I should sleep well tonight. My only real dilemma with the math midterm actually stems from the tutorial for the midterm’s preparation… I had to miss dinner to attend aforementioned tutorial. This leaves me mildly angry, but, more so, hungry.

Shying away from complaints as I wrap-up this post… I did make $22.50 today. Research studies. Being a guinea pig is not so bad. I also have some other good news, but I want to save something for this weekend.

Until next time…
