I’ve been saying I wanted to do it… and finally it is done. I’ve expanded my domain to include photos.

To check it out, head on over to http://photos.andrewdanderson.com.

I’ll be integrating my weblog and my photo album over the summer. I’ll also be working on something to deploy my writings and something to manage and share what I learn over the next few years… as well as an online tool to track my finances very openly… and a branch to manage software I write and release under the GPL (and maybe other licenses.) – I also intend on adding a portal for people to leave their contact information so I can keep in touch… and maybe even have a mailing list.

As you can see – I’ve got a lot of work to do… and even when it is done, making it all look fluid will take a while. I’ll get there; slowly but surely.

Keep on coming back to see what’s new. In the meantime, I will be working on my website and tying things together.