So, I’ve been absent for a stretch. It would be just wonderful if I were able to report back with captivating tales of adventure and exploration – but I’ve no reports at all. I can’t even relate the agony of an Internet outage – there was none. I’ve just been in thought… and feeling quiet.

I don’t have too many interesting thoughts to share in this post, I’m basically writing to stave off the “wellness checks” and pass along a few tidbits about what I’ve been doing so that I’ll have some sort of record.

29-Jan-2009: I got two female dumbo rats for pets. Now, technically, this apartment building has a “no pet” policy, but I figured caged animals ought to be excluded. So I spent a ridiculous amount of money on a cage and supplies – and have been trying to get used to Ruby and Kali ever since. I may post pictures sometime in the future.

?-Feb-2009: I finally made the decision to switch my major to Philosophy. Economics and I simply do not agree. It is a shame really, because I only had a few more classes to take for the major… but I’m only doing this undergrad thing once – so I may as well not waste time pursuing something I detest.

Also in February, I took advantage of a 25% off promotion and bought a camera from Japan – the Canon SX1. I’m going to get rid of my old Nikon DSLR to help pay for the new camera… with warm weather and a new camera on the way I may soon start posting some pictures of Chicago.

So, those are the highlights. If you’re still awake and reading this… you may be as bored as I am. Exams approach, which means my last bought with ECON looms. I’ll be reading, until next time.