The Backwards World

In a backwards world full of love,
With Heaven below and Hell above,

There undoubtedly would be space to spare in the latter,
And life and liberty and happiness wouldn’t matter;

They would be given, never achieved.
Only laughter would resonate from those who have grieved.

In a backwards world full of acceptance,
With churches for criminals and jails for repentance,

There’d be more giving – no stealing or lying,
There’d be more respect for life, no unnatural dying.

Victims would go and turn themselves in,
The culprits would hope they never did it again,

In a backwards world full of just people and acts,
Where people had eyes watching their asses and backs,

There’d be no second guessing, no regrets or lost causes,
People’s words would come after contemplating pauses.

Friends would be true and lovers wouldn’t leave,
When something went wrong you’d always be granted reprieve.

In a backwards world, full of righteousness and compassion,
You’d never be heard screaming “Why did this happen?”

Reflections would look at you, instead of you looking in,
And epidemics and wars would never begin.

You’d be in the shoes of the person you hate,
You’d have unimpeded dominion over your fate.

Truth be told, in this backwards world I’ve so uniquely created,
The very idea I’ve laid out, humanity would surely have hated.

A Deathly Oration

In pitch-black rooms were shadows are cast-
With futures so black they can’t see their past,

Surrounded in nothing, with only self to amuse,
Where there’s no other person or substance to abuse,

When the gate keeper never appears,
And you’re stuck only with forever to look over your years,

When the silent voice inside your head,
Reveals to you that you are dead…

What then I ask: when you cannot die for living?
When you cannot rest for sinning…

No matter your creed, your race or your gender,
It’s not some creator, but yourself, that will remember.

It’s you that must deal with the actions you now take for light,
Stuck in eternity with nothing but self hatred and spite,

Though this eternity may seem far off or quite odd,
It’s only because now you walk atop the sod…

But close your eyes, and I beg you heed this:
If those eyes never opened could you lie forever in bliss?

The Mold

another child of clay
was born to us today

mold it as we say
so it can live one day

in our world of grey

strip it of its smile
earnestness is style

its red cheeks are vile
white in a short while

make it fit our pro-file

success in work and prayer
content that life’s not fair

just strong enough to bear
our never-ceasing stare

too weak to really care

we’d like it to find relief
in substance or belief

idless goes with grief
both should be… brief

self-medicating’s the motif

let it like the others
love them like its brothers

because built-up hate smothers
the one’s we deem the “others”

that’s exactly our druthers

let it grow and die
with only a quiet cry

never a thought of why
or something new to try

it should be quite dry

this mold will make it glad
it’s like the one’s we had

anything else would be bad
it would end up raving mad

and then it wouldn’t add…

…to our world of grey