Goodbye Art… hello… economics… ;(

So, over the past few days I completed my final art project. (If you want you can view it here: final.) Which means that my art class is pretty well over. Aside from a few short essays due Friday.

Which also means that over the next few days I’ll be doing nothing but… economics. Horrible.

So, perhaps I’ll be posting plenty, to distract myself from my uninteresting alternative.

Some artwork posted….

Well, I’m swamped. After doing dismally on my midterms, I have a ton of studying to do in preperation for finals. Classes are rough when you only have two grades.

I have posted some of my artwork, with more on the way soon. You can look at it here.

I’ve also redone my homepage, so check that out too.

I’ll try and write later. Adios.

24 hours of ART, and late homework

Well, the pictures are not up yet, but the art is complete. I spent a good deal of time on project one, with the final twenty-four hour stretch being the most creative. And yet, the art seems reminiscent of an eight year-old’s work. My critique went well, however… so perhaps my own view is too hash. I’ll try and get pictures of some of the pieces up within the next few weeks.

That twenty-four hour creative stretch came at a cost. I now have some terribly uninteresting computer science homework due this last Tuesday at 5PM. So, yes, its late already. Which makes completeing it even more difficult.

Other news: there is none. Midterms next week. Blogging might slip a little.