
i held it in my hands, an idea too far-fetched, i remember staring at it. of course it was beautiful, it was an impossibility, that i held close to my heart. until it vanished, suddenly, without so much as a warning, i truly ought to have cried. instead, i turned away, an irresponsible keeper, of my own ludicrous ideas. i’ve not yet found another, nor clearly recalled, my mislaid vision....

November 26, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

that old lady

her marbled legs blended well with the faded ink upon her arms the cigarette wobbled all the while she often cackled about her youth but her eyes betrayed her humor for sincere regrets and shattered hope she often slurred too much to talk about abandoned dreams so I would listen to her fairy-tales wondering how much she believed eventually she’d forget I was there become lost in mummbles to herself...

September 27, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

fiction and its discontents

those little lenses flicker, as if they’re in a dream. the heart, it races quicker, caught up in the scheme. you hear him… even snicker, at humor never seen. the common-man points his finger, at black ink upon a page. he escapes his life to linger, on some fantastic stage. immortal is the bringer, who manages to assuage… the discontented, with his fiction.

September 13, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson


The noise drips into my ears The smoke rolls into my veins As I sit there gazing into space Lucrative, often unsettling space My glance is momentarily stolen By a rare scream of jubilation And it costs me a dinner, or two So I cannot even smile at that I can only smile as a front A sham. Utterly insincerely. At people I don’t care for Or whose livelyhood I endanger...

August 12, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

walking away

As I peer into your eyes Full of dismal, dark, suprise I wonder what road you’ve walked To what odd men you’ve surely talked I contemplate just how you came to be A person so much worse than me Set in stone by some chance combination? Determined by adolescent recreation? Whom to blame for what you are? By what fate you’ve come so far? To cross my path and make me see...

August 7, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

all lie

tossing, turning; in my head pleasant visions quickly fled tattered dreams began to creep i could scarcely think of sleep i looked about and was not alone everywhere lie a restless drone pain escaped in troubled breathes dismantled wills must acquiesce told to work and to procreate distempered men we incarcerate fear subversion, but not of self distraction successful, ideal of wealth failure impossible, self medication easier to swallow the external delegation...

April 9, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

nature of a man

the darkest night enshrouded I could faintly hear her cry the rain above me sounded as if the tin wished her to die the rain fell down my face too and I sniffled with the wind what else could a child do all around me malice grinned a flash of lightning struck the ground the newly-splintered tree despaired meanwhile, his fists barely made a sound but screams and thunder left me scared...

April 2, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson


the wallpaper-like skin apparently glued to his bones tore around the lips as he rasped about whatever I sat with my ear plugs shouting just loud enough to drown out the fellows rants about whatever I could hardly stand to watch him sit there like a useless broken furnishing by the fire I rarely looked up doubting he cared anyway lost in my own thoughts actively ignoring the fool...

February 24, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

silence mustn't be

like a swarm of noise, a mouth, it moves on a biped frame, in polished shoes . across space and time, it spews these sounds in tuxedos suits or in silken gowns . it bares its teeth and squawks quite loudly flaunting ties and bows pretty proudly . the noise, the sounds, the squawks the same taught to speak, and no refrain . most mouths move and spew that way...

February 10, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson


I was young, still naive wanting badly to believe that all one saw could be obtained that life was living unconstrained how I ran past youth, swift and sure convinced, completely, the world was pure upon arrival it became quite clear this world was theirs and I was here not for my own desires to pursue just a worker to support the few the few that owned all I might want...

January 22, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson